Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Today is the first time I’ve actually been happy the driver has the heater on.  When the skies are clear here in Seattle, the temperature drops drastically – it was 46 degrees yesterday morning when I left the house – today it is 28, and windy; it feels about 10.  We gather at the bus stop shivering and craning our necks up the hill, hoping to see our salvation soon.

Once I board, I’m in my least favorite spot – the articulated center with the accordion folds behind me.  The floor of the bus is lower here and the seats are not as deep, so I brace myself on my tiptoes and hold on for dear life whenever we make a turn in the direction I’m facing, or else I feel like I’m about to be tipped out of my seat.  It’s the only spot where I hope someone large sits next to me – then they can help brace me in.  I also don’t like this spot because I can’t see up or down the aisles, so I feel blind to the goings-on.  And, finally, because it’s narrower than the rest of the bus, so invariably someone kicks my feet or their bag whacks my knees as they pass.  As I said – my least favorite spot.  But on the bright side, I’m not one of the poor souls who will be standing for the 30 minute ride to the city, so I can’t complain!

Facing me and to my left there is a young man.  I estimate him to be about 23, 24 – he has dark brown hair that, if allowed to grow past the short buzz he wears, would be seriously curly.  Sideburns and beard are the same shade, texture and length.  They frame his face; it’s a nice-looking face.  Somewhat square, with wide-set eyes – deep ocean blue with dark, thick eyelashes.  He is listening to his iPod and moves his head gently to the music.  It’s clear he is absolutely removed and in his own world.  Apparently he is not as happy as I am about the heater being on because he removes his lightweight North Face (of course…) jacket and I see that his left arm is completely covered in tattoos.  They are some of the most beautiful work I have ever seen – abstract yet symmetrical designs in thick, bold black.  I am fascinated because I would not have guessed that this young man would have this body art.  His clothing is unremarkable, jeans that are not “cool”, just a bland stonewash.  Sneakers, not a brand I recognize.  Plain black t-shirt.  Nothing about him says he has this expressive side, and I wonder, where else does his creativity take him?

Towards the back of the bus is a young couple.  They catch my eye because of their strange intimacy.  They sit too close together, they touch too often, they kiss every couple of seconds.  I am unsure what to think – are they lovers about to part?  Are they recently reunited?  It strikes me that they are past the age where that behavior is more normalized; the man appears to be in his late twenties at least, and she is hard to determine but over the age of consent.  Intrigued, I start to pay more attention.  He is wearing an oversized sweater, sort of a fisherman’s style, with jeans that have seen better days.  There is a large hole in one knee and they are frayed beyond belief at the hem.  The sweater is stained and has a worn, thrift store look.  This adds to the mystery, because it doesn’t fit with the rest of him.  He is very good-looking - dark hair, dark eyes, very clean-cut.  When he speaks, his voice has a pleasant tone, and his words are well-chosen.  I’m struggling to make this collage make sense.  The young lady is another story - she is wearing heavily acid washed skinny jeans, a disposable clothing store fashion sweater, knee high boots and her hair is washed in highlighter pink.  A diamond (rhinestone?) sparkles from her nose, and her eyebrows owe more to Maybelline than nature.  All in all, not what is normally defined as “classy”.  So I contemplate that tableau and wonder where they met – she is noticeably younger than he is and doesn’t have his internal polish.  Has he fallen on hard times, or is she relationshipping up?